While it looks like a fairly straightforward set of levels to speed your way across, SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell actually packs in a sizeable level of challenge, as well as rewarding lighting-fast reflexes and reaction times. Speed and fast-paced platforming are the key components to this highly enjoyable freerunning-style fame, which is set to a hardcore heavy metal soundtrack. SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell is a competitive first-person platformer with a distinctly heavy metal vibe. Climbing up steep ledges gives for a pretty good eagle-eye view of what’s to come. That being said, players can use their arms and legs to grab onto things and scale walls in order to look around at their surroundings.
Though bob may look like your run-of-the-mill AI, he actually possesses zero superhuman abilities, he is just like every other human being on the planet. ALSO READ Capcom Has A Major Game They Will Release Before End of March 2024